Why You Need Annual Water Heater Maintenance

Water heaters are tough systems. They have to be, in order to deal with the constant flow of water that moves through them every day. However, they cannot last as long as possible without regular maintenance. If you want your water heater to give you the maximum return on your investment, you should schedule maintenance for it at least once a year. Read on to find out more about why annual water heater maintenance is so important.

Preventive vs Reactive

Most homeowners wait to call for repairs until their water heater shows signs of a problem. This is often an attempt to save money on unnecessary professional services. The problem with this method  is that it gives problems with the water heater time to develop. By the time you notice any symptoms with the water heater, the problem will have already had time to damage the system.

By contrast, regular preventive maintenance allows your water heater technician to identify and fix problems before they have the chance to damage your system. This is why it is so important to schedule annual maintenance for your water heater. It will enable your system to live longer, and have a healthier lifespan, than if it had never received maintenance at all.

When you schedule your water heater maintenance is not as important as with other systems. Normally, you should schedule maintenance for a system the season before the one that puts the most strain on it. Water heaters experience more or less the same level of demand year round, though. So, as long as you make sure that it gets maintenance at least once a year, you should be fine.

If you’d like to know more about water heater maintenance, call Sunset Air. We offer water heater services throughout Olympia, WA. 


