Why You Might Want to Install a Generator This Winter

Winter, just like summer, puts a lot of demand on the power grid. People are running their heating systems for hours a day, potentially overloading the system and causing a power outage. It’s common for the power to go out at least once or twice a year, which can cause problems if it happens in the middle of a cold winter night. Fortunately, you can deal with this by installing a generator. Let’s take a look at some reasons why you might want a generator installed.

Power Requirements

When the power goes out, most people are content to light a few candles and wait for it to come back on. That’s not the case for everyone, though. There could be all kinds of reasons why you can’t have power going out for any length of time: sensitive medical equipment, computer servers, and temperature-sensitive foodstuffs being just a few. If you need to have power at all times for some reason, a generator is a good idea.


There’s often no telling on your end how long a power outage is going to last. It could be hours, or even days. That’s not a good thing when it’s snowing outside and the temperature inside your home is below freezing. Aside from being uncomfortable, this can also be unsafe for those with health problems or other sensitivities. A generator can make sure that you always have climate control available, even in the middle of a long power outage. Talk to a one of our professionals about which generator type would fit your needs best.

Sunset Air offers generator installation services throughout Olympia, WA. If you need generator services of any kind, call today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts. We’ll make sure that you get the perfect generator for your needs.


