When Is It Time to Replace My Water Heater?

It’s never fun to have to replace a major appliance in your house. It typically incurs considerable expense, and at least a little time investment that could be better spent elsewhere. Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of your appliances, there will come a day when you have to replace them. Let’s take a closer look at one of those appliances: your water heater. Here are some signs that you should talk to a professional about replacing your water heater.

Loss of Output

This is the number one indicator that your water heater needs replacing. You can overwhelm pretty much any water heater temporarily, as long as you put enough demand on it. That’s not the same thing as a permanent loss of output, however. If your water heater just can’t seem to provide enough hot water any more, that means it’s probably time to replace it.


Water heaters are designed to resist corrosion and rust as much as possible. However, once a water heater does start to rust it is rather hard to repair. Advanced rust tends to mean that it’s only a matter of time before the something ruptures. If your water heater has developed advanced rust, you should consider replacing the system.


Most water heaters are designed to last between ten and fifteen years. Though some can last past that point, if yours is around that age you should consult with a professional about replacing it. This is especially true if your water heater is already experiencing other problems, like those listed above. Once your water heater is older than 15 years, it tends to develop problems that are more expensive to fix than simply replacing the system.

If you need to replace your water heater, call Sunset Air. We install and replace water heaters throughout Olympia, WA.


