What Might Be Causing Your AC Output to Drop

The middle of summer is just about the worst time to have your air conditioner output drop. If your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as much as it should, it’s not something that you should ignore. The system is likely dealing with some sort of problem, which will only get worse the longer it is left unchecked. Have a look at what might be causing this problem below, and what to do about it.

Clogged Air Filter

The air filter is a fiber mesh that protects the air conditioner from any dust and debris that might otherwise damage it. The filter is good at what it does, but it doesn’t have any way to get rid of the debris that it collects. This causes it to become clogged if it isn’t changed every few months. A clogged air filter will prevent air from flowing into the air conditioner, lowering its output as a result.

Refrigerant Leaks

If your air conditioner is still blowing air, but it’s not as cold as it should be, you might have a refrigerant leak. Air conditioners rely on their refrigerant to cool the home, evaporating and condensing it to absorb and vent heat. As the refrigerant leak depletes the refrigerant available in the system, the air conditioner’s ability to cool the home will drop. If the refrigerant leak is not repaired, the refrigerant level will eventually drop so low that the air conditioner will break down entirely. Make sure you call for repairs as soon as possible if you notice fluid dripping from your air conditioner.

Sunset Air provides a full range of air conditioning repair services in Olympia, WA. If your air conditioner isn’t cooling as well as it should be, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert technicians.


