Ways You Can Prepare Your Water Heater for Winter

Winter is upon us, and it is going to mean more stress for various systems throughout your house. One of those systems is the water heater. The water heater is one of the hardest working systems in the average home, and as such it’s in your best interest to invest in keeping it operating properly. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can prepare your water heater for the winter season.


Water heater problems are subtle, for the most part. There’s a good chance that you won’t actually notice a problem with your system before it’s quite advanced. So, if you want to make sure that your water heater is as protected as possible, it’s a good idea to schedule preventive maintenance services for it as soon as possible. Preventive maintenance allows your water heater technician to find and solve problems with the system before they can cause too much damage. Having your water heater professionally checked now can save you a lot of repair costs later. It will also likely prevent the possibility of you waking up one morning with no hot water because of a broken water heater.

Prompt Repair

Even if you schedule preventive maintenance every year, you’re not going to completely prevent all problems from occurring. If a problem does end up cropping up during the winter, make sure that you call for professional repairs as quickly as possible. The faster we can get to your water heater and repair it, the better off the system will be. Even if you only suspect that your water heater is having a problem, call a professional just to be safe.

Sunset Air offers water heater repair services throughout Olympia, WA. If you need water heater services of any kind, call today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts.




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