Why Your Air Filter Matters (It’s Not What You Think!)

There’s a fairly common misconception out there about air filters. Many homeowners believe that its only purpose is to prevent allergens and pollutants from entering and contaminating your indoor air—and that’s the reason technicians tell you to clean or replace it once a month. This isn’t the whole truth, however. The air filter that comes […]
Don’t Neglect Refrigerant Leaks!

It would be easy to say that modern homeowners live luxuriously. At least, when we’re speaking about our expectations of home comfort. The potential issue with this, however, is a luxury is often taken for granted. Take the comfort offered to you by an air conditioner, for example. If one day your air conditioner just […]
What Might Be Causing Your AC Output to Drop

The middle of summer is just about the worst time to have your air conditioner output drop. If your air conditioner isn’t cooling your home as much as it should, it’s not something that you should ignore. The system is likely dealing with some sort of problem, which will only get worse the longer it […]
Does My Air Conditioner Need More Refrigerant?
A lot of people know that air conditioners use refrigerant, and some may even know what they use it for. Most people, however, don’t actually know the process that refrigerant goes through when it’s in use by an air conditioner. Not that you need to know everything about how your air conditioner operates in order […]
What Might Be Causing Your Air Conditioner Output to Drop
We may not be in the middle of a desert here in Olympia, but that doesn’t mean that it’s fun to be without good air conditioning in the middle of summer. As the temperature starts to climb, you’re going to be relying on your air conditioner more and more often to keep your home comfortable. […]
Problems That Can Harm Your Air Conditioner
With summer not far off, most people are going to start using their air conditioners on an almost daily basis. That’s all well and good, as long as you were careful to schedule preventive maintenance for your system beforehand. However, it still isn’t a guarantee of your system’s health as the year progresses. You should […]
Why Is There Ice on My Air Conditioner?
You’re probably going to be running your air conditioner on an almost daily basis for the next several months. That means a more stress on the system, which then means a greater chance of problems occurring. One of those problems is ice forming on your air conditioner. You may think that ice is actually a […]
Air Conditioning Problems to Watch Out for This Spring
As the days start to warm up, you’re going to start using your air conditioning system more and more often. That means more stress on your air conditioner, which means greater likelihood that it will start to develop problems. Air conditioning problems will get progressively worse the longer they are left alone, increasing the chance […]
How Can I Prevent Future Air Conditioner Repairs?
No one wants to think about air conditioning repair, which can actually contribute to the problem when it arises. An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure as they say, and if you work to address potential issues before they result in a breakdown, you can avoid a lot of those pesky repair bills. […]
Common Air Conditioning Problems that Need Professional Repair
Like any other appliance, air conditioning systems develop problems from time to time. And while many of those problems can be avoided with a little preventive maintenance, most of them require the services of a professional air conditioning repair technician. In Olympia WA, air conditioning repair service is typically a summer endeavor, since winters tend to […]