How Dust Negatively Impacts Your Air Conditioning System

Is your air conditioning system no longer as effective as it once was? Have your energy costs steadily gone up over the years? There are numerous signs that you may have an excessive buildup of dust or other debris in your air conditioner. When such debris builds up on your AC’s sensitive system components, it causes performance and efficiency problems. Moreover, it may actually shorten the life of your cooling system. Make sure that you keep your system as clean as possible year-round to ensure sufficient cooling performance. Let the Olympia air conditioning repair experts at Sunset Air take care of your AC. We provide routine maintenance in addition to our repair services that can keep your system on-track before it breaks down or needs to be fixed. Call us today.

Here are a few ways that dust as well as other debris can negatively impact your AC:

  • Dirty coils. You have two types of coils in an AC: the outdoor condenser and the indoor evaporator. Both of these coils need to be kept clean at all times. Your outdoor coil dissipates the thermal energy of the gaseous refrigerant exacerbated by the compressor into the outside air, but it cannot perform this function if the coils themselves are covered in debris. This could lead warm (rather than than cold) air coming through the ducts in addition to higher energy costs and wear and tear as your system attempts to make up for the lost efficiency.
  • Blower motor fault. In a central air conditioner, the blower motor has the vital role of pulling in air through your return ductwork, cooling it, and then returning it to your home through the supply ductwork. But excessive debris can get inside the motor’s parts and dry out bearings, in addition to other sensitive components. When this occurs, your system may make a loud grinding sound, and you may need to replace the entire motor if you’re not careful.
  • Dust in the ductwork.  Another consideration is dust in the ductwork itself. This not only ensures that any airborne air picks up the dust and circulates it throughout your home, but it may also reduce energy efficiency and performance in certain severe cases.

Call Sunset Air today for all of your air conditioning repair needs in Olympia. We can handle any job, big or small.


