Benefits of a Routine Heating Maintenance Plan

Washington State experiences one of the most balanced climates in the continental U.S.: we have warm summers and cold winters, but rarely lurch into the extremes of a state like Texas or Minnesota. This means that we depend equally on effective air conditioners and heaters, and that neither of them will receive the amount of use they would in states with greater temperature extremes. You may think that because of this you won’t need to get maintenance on your heater before the start of winter each year. Maybe every few years—if you even remember to do it.

However, any use that your heating system receives will cause it to suffer wear and tear. And this will get worse the longer it goes without a proper check-up, cleaning, and tune-up. We’ll discuss some of the benefits you’ll receive from enrolling in a routine heating maintenance plan.

Sunset Air offers excellent heating maintenance in Tacoma, WA, so contact us today to get started.

The main benefit of enrolling in a routine heating maintenance plan is the prevention of breakdowns. Because homeowners push their heating systems to their limits on the coldest days of the year, their heaters are most likely to break down on those days—the worst time possible! To avoid waiting in the cold for a technician to get out to you and repair your heater, have any problems in your system diagnosed and remedied before they threaten a complete breakdown. You’ll also avoid smaller, yet still expensive, repairs in the future.

A tuned-up and well-running heater means a more energy-efficient heater. With routine maintenance, you’ll have a heating system that won’t waste additional power trying to reach its target temperature. Cleaning and adjusting connections, changing filters, and tightening fan belts will all help your heater do its job better—and save you money in the process.

Fending off repairs and keeping your heater running its best will add up to a longer lifespan for it. Routine maintenance will help your heating system live up to—and probably exceed—the manufacturer’s estimated service life.

Finally, if you enroll in a maintenance plan, you won’t have to worry about forgetting to get it done each year. Your HVAC service company will contact you each year when it’s time for your regular inspection.

Sunset Air has a Preferred Service Agreement that not only provides you with heating maintenance, but also air conditioner maintenance, priority service, and a 15% discount on parts. Call us today or contact us through this website to get started with heating maintenance in Tacoma, WA.


