Heed These Signs Your AC Needs Repairs–Stat!

We’ve had some unusually warm weather already this summer and by now, your air conditioner has been put to the test. How happy were you with its performance? Did it get an A+ or is it barely passing? When it comes to your home comfort, your AC doesn’t get an A for mere effort. If […]
Sunset Air Will Be at the BIG Home & Garden Show in Lacey, WA

Sunset Air is thrilled to be a part of this year’s Olympia Master Builders BIG Home & Garden Show. This event will be held April 22-23, 2023 at the Marcus Pavilion At Saint Martin’s University in Lacey, WA. If you’re planning to attend this event, be sure to drop by our booth! We’ll be there to […]
How to Prevent Broken Windows in Your Home

It goes without saying that a broken window is a huge inconvenience. First off, there’s broken glass to clean up. Secondly, if you weren’t home when it happened, there’s the risk of pets getting out or intruders getting in. And of course, now you have to spend time and money getting your windows replaced. What […]
Check Out Our Interview in Thurston Talk!

Our very own manager, Bill Krier, was recently interviewed by Thurston Talk, speaking to how much window and door replacements can save homeowners. We’re honored to have this opportunity to speak to a wider audience and to be a part of this publication. Check out the article here! Our expertise spans beyond HVAC–we also manage your electrical, […]
Coupon for The BIG Home & Garden Show 2017!

Why You Might Want to Install a Generator This Winter
Winter, just like summer, puts a lot of demand on the power grid. People are running their heating systems for hours a day, potentially overloading the system and causing a power outage. It’s common for the power to go out at least once or twice a year, which can cause problems if it happens in […]
3 Reasons Why You Should Install Milgard Windows Right Now!

With all that tends to go on during the holiday season, it can be easy to forget about the many ways that you can improve your home. One of the best ways to improve your home is to have new windows installed. Proper windows can make your home more energy efficient, more comfortable, and more […]
Benefits of getting your air ducts cleaned during the winter.

Indoor Air Quality A duct cleaning is a great way to improve your overall air quality. This is especially important through the winter season because added moisture in the air can make air ducts the perfect breeding ground for molds. Also, a good duct cleaning can help people who are sensitive to allergies. Breathing dirty air […]
Sunset Air Job Fair Event 8/21

This event is from 2PM-4PM at Thurston County Worksource 1570 Irving St SW, Tumwater, WA 98512 The job opening is for a full-time Front Desk Administrator The postition is Mon-Fri 7AM-4PM Benefits include: We are looking for applicants with: Come by the worksource office between 2PM and 4PM to drop off your resume and/or complete […]
Lupercalia: The Origin of St. Valentine’s Day
Many people may think of Valentine’s Day as a holiday essentially created by card and gift companies, but the truth is that the holiday has long-standing roots going back to the Roman Empire. The name “Lupercalia” has its origins in the word “lupus”, which means wolf, and the reason for this is that according to […]