Sunset Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

What Are Some of the Differences Between Commercial and Residential Electrical Installation?

Friday, February 20th, 2015

The flow of electricity is a bit like a Class 5 river: it is powerful and strong, it tumbles around, and if not channeled correctly into your property, it can cause a great deal of damage. How is this stream of power controlled when it comes into your property? By your electrical panel. Your electrical panel doesn’t just distribute electricity to your property; it controls the flow of the electricity to ensure that your electrical system is neither overloaded nor under-powered. Different building types require different electrical loads to operate as needed, so when it comes to commercial electrical installation, there are some key differences between residential and commercial buildings of which to take note.

Types of Wiring Used

One of the first differences between residential and commercial electrical installation has to do with the type of wiring used for each type of building. In residential homes, the main type of wiring used has a plastic sheathing around the thin, narrow wires. This sheathing is necessary to protect the wiring and any surround materials because residential wiring is often placed in locations like attic space and crawl space. In commercial buildings, the electrical wiring is run in open spaces to allow access, but the wiring is contained in a tube-like conduits for protection.

Phases of Power

As you can imagine, commercial buildings draw much more power than residential buildings. To help ensure that all types of buildings get the power they need without overloading a property, the utility companies categorize the electrical load by phase: residential properties use single-phase power and commercial buildings use three-phase power.

Single-phase power consists of a total of 240 volts; the power is delivered in two “legs” of 120 volts each. Three-phase power delivers a total of 448 volts: two legs of 120 volts and a third “wild leg” that carries 208 volts.

A lot of other factors go into designing and installing any kind of electrical system, which is why it’s important to work with an expert trained for your property type.

If you need commercial electrical installation in the Puget Sound area, call the specialists with the training and experience you need: Sunset Air.

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Common Electrical Problems

Friday, January 9th, 2015

The electrical system is one of the most complex of any home’s infrastructure. It can also be the most dangerous. Electrical problems can burn out appliances, start fires, and even cause death under the worst circumstances. A lot of electrical problems are subtle, evidenced only by small signs that are easily missed. In this article, we’ll examine some of these signs, what they mean, and when you should call an electrician.

Flickering Lights

No, your house is likely not haunted. Flickering lights is a sign that there is a short or a bad connection somewhere along the circuit. Depending on where this flickering occurs, it could be located in one outlet or the entire house. Bad connections in the circuit are only a minor annoyance in and off themselves. However, a short can get progressively worse over time depending on where it is. It’s best to call an electrician if you notice this happening.

Switches Getting Hot

This is not a problem if you’re using dimmer switches. A dimmer switch controls the level of light a bulb gives off by increasing or decreasing the resistance to the electric current. The energy that doesn’t make it to the bulb is given off as heat, causing the dimmer switch to feel warm. If you aren’t using a dimmer switch, however, this is a big problem.

Normal switches are supposed to allow the electrical current to travel more or less unfettered. When a normal switch heats up, it’s a sign that the current is meeting unusual resistance. If whatever is causing the resistance is not fixed, the extra heat can melt the switch and even cause a fire. Call an electrician immediately if you notice a normal switch getting hot.

Circuit Breaker Keeps Tripping

A circuit breaker is designed to trip if the system is threatening to be overwhelmed. However, a circuit breaker that won’t reset is a problem. If your circuit breaker refuses to reset, it is likely still detecting whatever is threatening the grid. If you can’t find the item that’s overloading the circuit, call an electrician to help you.

If you’re experiencing electrical problems in your home, call Sunset Air. We provide electrical services throughout Puyallup.

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How to Avoid Hazards from Electrical Fires in Your Home

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Electrical fires—a fire that involves some type of electrical failure or malfunction—are a major cause of combustion starting in homes in the U.S. According to the National Fire Protection Agency, approximately 47,700 home fires started in 2011 because of electrical failures, resulting in $1.4 billion in direct property damage. Over the period of 2007–2011, electrical fires accounted for 20% of direct property damage in the country.

These statistics sound frightening, but the truth is that electrical fires are easy to prevent with proper precautions and maintenance. A large percentage of electrical fires come from amateur tampering or DIY repair attempts on the electrical system, resulting in poor wiring. If you rely on professionals and make sure that your home’s electrical system remains up to date, you should have little to worry about from electrical fires.

Whenever you need the help of a licensed electrician in Puyallup, WA, call Sunset Air. We have almost 40 years of experience helping make homes safer and lives better. We can handle the electrical services necessary to protect your home from the dangers of electrical fires.

Here Are Some Ways to Guard against Electrical Fires

  • Never allow non-licensed electrical work: You must turn to licensed electricians for any repair work in your home, even for what seems like a simple task. Licensed electricians are more experienced, of course, but they are also familiar with the local electrical codes that are in place to keep homes safe. The National Electric Code is enforced differently throughout the country, with each jurisdiction choosing how to implement it. Licensed electricians make it their business to know the code as it applies to your home and make sure your home remains up to code.
  • Immediately call for repairs at the first sign of electrical trouble: Although some signs of electrical issues are obvious, others are more subtle but just as important to watch for. Flickering lights, routinely tripped circuit breakers, discoloration on the outlets, warm light switch covers… these are all indications of potential danger from an electrical fire. Don’t hesitate when it comes to the electrical system: call for a professional.
  • Have regular electrical maintenance: If you suspect that your electrical system is aging or faulty, you should arrange for electrical maintenance. Professional electricians will come to your home and carefully inspect the system to see if there are frayed connections, loss of insulation around wires (a leading cause for electrical fires), or aging circuits that require replacement. The technicians will identify if you need extensive rewiring because of old aluminum or copper wires. This is a great way to have assurance that your home is as safe as possible.

The service specialists at Sunset Air are available to help you with any electrical repair. You can count on us for new installations and electrical maintenance. For an electrician in Puyallup, WA who can get the job done, call us right away.

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Qualities to Look for in a Professional Electrician

Friday, September 5th, 2014

In this fast-paced Information Age, it’s easy to locate professional services to take care of any of your household needs. In fact, it’s too easy: a simple Internet set search will turn up scores of companies you can hire… and not much in the way to separate them so you can find the one that will do the job you need at the quality level you expect.

If you are searching for an electrician in Puyallup, WA, you will run across this dilemma. Electricians from across the Southwest Washington area will pop up in your searches. How can you decide on the right company for the job?

We’ve listed a few of the qualities that you should place on your shopping list when you’re looking for an electrician. At Sunset Air, we’re proud to live up to the expectations of our clients, and we think we will live up to all your expectations as well.

Look For These Qualities in an Electrician

  • Many years in the business: Although there is nothing stopping a new company from hiring electricians with many years of experience, in general newer companies won’t be able to deliver the same confident level of quality as one that had a few decades of history behind it. It’s also much easier to put your trust in electricians that have shown they’ve earned the respect of the community and many clients. You should look for an electrical service company with at least 10 years of history.
  • Offers commercial services as well: You may not run a business, but you should pay attention to any electrical service company that handles both commercial and residential work. Technicians who can handle the wiring needs for a whole commercial building will have the necessary skill set to take care of any issues you may experience with the electrical system in your home.

Sunset Air has served the South Puget Sound and Southwest Washington areas for over 35 years, growing from a small garage to an extensive office and showroom with a large team of experienced employees. Along with commercial and residential electrical services, we also offer services for heating, air conditioning, water heaters, generators, and solar energy. You can contact us any time of the day or night when you need emergency help for your home.

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When You Should Schedule Whole-House Rewiring

Friday, August 22nd, 2014

Rewiring an entire home’s electrical system is a large task, but one that often necessary to improve daily electrical use and to increase safety. The job requires a team of expert electricians and should never be undertaken as a hobbyist “adventure” or delegated to amateurs who offer suspiciously low prices.

If you believe your home needs to have whole-house rewiring, a call for electrician from Sunset Air. We are proud of the skills of our team of electricians, and we offer many electrical services—large and small—to the South Puget Sound and Southwest Washington areas. We will help you decide if whole-house rewiring is the best option for your home.

When Whole-House Rewiring May Be Necessary

The amount of electricity that we use in our homes on a daily basis has increased exponentially since the 1980s, and seems to rise each year. We have more powerful appliances than ever before, as well as new gizmos that need a steady electrical supply. Just think about how many devices you need to have hooked up every day just for recharging, and you will have an idea of the recent boost in electrical needs for U.S. homes.

All this heightened demand for power can overwhelm older wiring systems, even ones from only a few decades back. If you think that whole-house re-wiring is something necessary only for houses more than five decades old, you might be surprised to learn that your home needs it!

However, old homes are a good place to start. If you live in a house built pre-World War II that has never received an upgrade to its electrical system, you should schedule rewiring right away: old copper wiring can become dangerous with the growing amount of electrical demand placed on it.

For newer homes, be on the lookout for these signs that you will benefit from whole-house rewiring:

  • Aluminum wiring: This metal replaced copper after 1965 and remained in use through the mid-1970s. However, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, aluminum wires can overheat and cause fires. Check with an electrician if your home was built between 1965–1973 to see if you have aluminum wiring.
  • Constantly tripped circuit breakers: If you are habitually going to the circuit breaker panel to reset tripped breakers, then your home is sending you the signal that its electrical system cannot handle the current demands placed on it.
  • Charred, discolored outlets: These marks indicate electrical fires caused by shorts within the outlet. At the very least, the outlet will need an upgrade… and possibly all the wiring as well.
  • Acrid smells: Do you notice a burning smell whenever you turn on the lights in your home, but cannot find the source? Then it’s time to call an electrician, because something could be seriously amiss with your home’s wiring and it will need replacement.

If possible, you should arrange for rewiring during a remodel a safeguard. However, if you have emergency indications like those above, or if your home simply cannot handle the daily electrical demands placed on it, call for an electrician in Puyallup, WA from Sunset Air to see if you should schedule whole-house rewiring ASAP.

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Signs You Should Replace Your Electrical Service Panel

Friday, August 15th, 2014

A faulty electrical service panel in a home places it in danger. The service panel is where the main power line from outside a home enters and is routed throughout the electrical system. The panel also disconnects circuits if excess electricity flows through them by tripping circuit breakers. If the panel starts to malfunction to the point that it can no longer function correctly, not only will it risk shutting down all electricity to the house, it will put it at risk of electrical fires.

If you have an older service panel, you need to pay attention to signs that it may need replacement—before it fully fails. If you detect any of the warning signs below, call an electrician right away to inspect the panel and see if it needs repairs or a complete replacement.

For all your electrical needs, large and small, you can rely on the many years of experience at Sunset Air. We have served the South Puget Sound and Southwest Washington areas with excellent electrical repairs for almost 40 years.

Warnings That You May Need a New Electrical Service Panel

  • Constantly tripping circuit breakers: When a panel begins to wear down, it will be more susceptible to power surges through the wires, and consequently will start to disconnect circuits more often. This can also happen because your home energy needs have surpassed the capacity of the service panel. If you find that you are resetting breakers a few times a week, when before you rarely had to resent them more than a few times a year, then the panel is warning you that it needs serious repairs or a full replacement.
  • Evidence of electrical fires in the panel: Wires that wear down inside an electrical panel can create fires. These often quickly burn themselves out, but they will leave behind signs that they’ve occurred. If you smell an acrid odor from the panel, or notice charring and discolored marks around the circuit breakers, you’ve probably had an electrical fire in the panel. You need to call for professional assistance right away.
  • Breakers will not remain reset: Resetting a tripped breaker should take care of a problem under normal circumstances. But if you discover that a reset circuit breaker in the panel won’t stay reset, or it does not restore power, then you may have a faulty service panel. A professional electrician will be able to determine what the problem is and the best way to fix it.

If you still have an old fuse box rather than a modern service panel with circuit breakers, then you definitely need to have a replacement: fuse boxes are out of date and insufficient for modern electrical needs.

When you have an electrician in Gig Harbor, WA from Sunset Air replace your service panel with a new model, your home will benefit from increased safety and convenience. Contact us for all your electrical needs.

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Should I Upgrade My Fuse Box?

Friday, August 8th, 2014

For many decades after the introduction of electrical power into homes, the fuse box served as the center of a house’s electrical system. Whenever an appliance placed too much demand on a circuit, a fuse would blow to prevent damage from electrocution or a fire.

The fuse box is now an old-fashioned concept, superseded by the circuit breaker panel. If you live in an older home that still uses a fuse box, the question has probably crossed your mind: “Should I replace it with an upgraded service panel?” The answer is simple: “Yes.” We’ll explain why below.

Upgrading your electric service panel is not difficult: you need only to call a skilled electrician in Aberdeen, WA and schedule an appointment to have the work done. The experienced team at Sunset Air can handle the job for you that will keep your home safe and your lights and appliances running without interruption.

Why Upgrade From a Fuse Box

Fifty years ago, the average electrical use in a house rarely exceeded 60 amps at any time, and consequently, fuse boxes were designed with this amount of power in mind. Most fuse boxes contained only four fuses, each capable of sustaining 15 amps. As power use increased in homes, fuse boxes were either enlarged to handle more circuits, or people placed larger capacity fuses into the fuse box—a potentially dangerous situation.

A modern home uses 150–220 amps due to the increased use of computers, monitors, and more powerful appliances. Fuse boxes do not have the capacity to handle this amount of amperage without constantly shorting out. This is both inconvenient and dangerous. Although you can continue to repair the fuse box and replace burnt-out fuses, you put your home at greater risk of an electrical fire.

A circuit breaker panel is much safer for your home. You will have lowered risk of electrocution and fires. Circuit breakers are also less of a hassle than fuse boxes: you only need to flip a circuit to restore power, while you have to replace fuses and risk running out of them.

So if you still have an aged fuse box in your home, it’s time to call for an electrician in Aberdeen, WA to swap it out for a modern service panel. Call Sunset Air today to arrange for the new installation that will protect your home and family. You can trust to our more than 35 years of experience.

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Warning Signs You Need Professional Electrical Repair

Friday, May 23rd, 2014

Electrical repair is nothing to sneeze at. Damage to your electrical system can affect your household’s ability to function, and while modern homes have safety measures in place, electricity can be quite dangerous without a trained electrician performing repairs. Here in Puyallup, electrical repair services are standing by to correct the issue, but before they do, you need to be able to call them in.

Here’s A Short List of Some Warning Signs You Need Professional Electrical Repair

  • The circuit breaker keeps tripping. The breakers are an important safety feature in your home, cutting off power in the event the wires or circuits are overloaded with too much power. Without them, the excess power could damage your electrical system and possibly even start a fire.
  • Loose outlets. If you plug something into your outlet and the plug falls out, it probably means that the contacts are worn or loose. Either way, that spells trouble: rendering the outlet useless at best and damaging whatever is plugged into it at worst. Similar problems can occur in the event of “backstabbed” (loose) wires connecting the outlet to the rest of the electrical system.
  • Flickering lights. Your lights will flicker if they suffer from an interrupted power flow, which usually means either a loose connection somewhere or frayed wires somewhere along the line. (Wires can become frayed through age, or from external damage such as vermin chewing on them.) Flickering lights can sometimes get worse in instances of high wind or rain, as the inclement weather rattles or shifts the pertinent component.

If you spot the warning signs that you need professional electrical repair, don’t try to fix the problem yourself. Instead, call in the expert electricians at Sunset Air. Our trained electrical technicians have years of experience and the training to handle the latest developments in the field. We’ll hunt down the source of the issue and make repairs quickly and safely. Electrical repair services in Puyallup don’t come any more reliable. Pick up the phone and give us a call today. You’ll be glad you did!

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What to Look for with an Electrical Repair Service

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Your electrical system is one of the most important components of your house, but also one of the most potentially dangerous. You need a good electrical repair service to correct any problems that arise, and here in Puyallup, electrical repair services are quite common. But that gives rise to another question: which company is the right one to use. Luckily, there are factors that can help separate the good companies from the bad ones.

Here’s what to Look for With An Electrical Repair Service Company in Puyallup, WA

First of all, you want a company that can offer reliable credentials. Every electrical repair service must be licensed and bonded by the state. But a good company will go beyond that. Look for companies that are affiliated with reputable third parties, or which offer bona fides from the cities in which they operate. That speaks to a quality of service that you can rely on.

In addition, look for a company that has a long history of service. That isn’t to say a brand new company is bad. Every company started somewhere and you might find a new service that turns out to be quite reliable. However, a well-established company with a great deal of experience behind it has proven eminently reliable, with happy customers and a solid record to back up its claims.

Finally, you want to look at the services offered to get a good impression of the company’s merits. Any reputable service will give you an estimate in advance, so that you know exactly what’s in store before they begin work.

All of these features can be found in Sunset Air, a well-established company in service since 1976. We have affiliations with local cities, as well as Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association. We offer estimates before we start to work. If you know what to look for with an electrical repair service in Puyallup, you’ll see that the choice is clear. Give us a call today and let us show you what we can do!

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What Are the Benefits of Upgrading My Electrical Service Panel?

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

Here in Puyallup, electrical services are used to handling all manner of systems. We have our share of older houses in the area, and many of them sport older electrical systems to boot. A solid upgrade performed by a reliable electrical contractor can help out your home in innumerable ways. If you’re experiencing problems with your electrical system, or even if your system is working fine but relies on older technology, you may want to seriously consider replacing your electric panel with an updated model. “What are the benefits of upgrading my electrical service panel?” We’ve provided a quick outline below.

In the first place, upgrading your electrical system may be legally necessary, since older models may no longer adhere to modern statues and codes. Generally speaking, if your panel still uses fuses and other outdated equipment, it likely isn’t up to code and will require replacing.

The reasons why fold into another huge benefit to upgrading your panel: safety. Old or worn service panels could cause an overload, shorting out your electricity and/or possibly causing a fire. A newer panel can provide increased safety to your home, as well as the convenience of being able to handle your electrical load adequately. A new electrical panel may also save you money in electrical bills, since it

We use electrical power at an unprecedented level these days, with plasma screen TVs, high-end computers and similar devices playing an increasingly large role in our lives. Without a proper electrical panel, you may not be able to support the kinds of appliances you need to stay connected. For more on the benefits of upgrading your electrical service panel, or to schedule an inspection of your existing panel, give the experts at Sunset Air a call. We offer electrical services in Puyallup and we’ll get you an up-to-date panel that meets all of your electrical needs. Electricity can be dangerous, so don’t leave such an important project in the hands of amateurs. Contact us today to make an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!

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