What Are the Benefits of Upgrading My Electrical Service Panel?

Here in Puyallup, electrical services are used to handling all manner of systems. We have our share of older houses in the area, and many of them sport older electrical systems to boot. A solid upgrade performed by a reliable electrical contractor can help out your home in innumerable ways. If you’re experiencing problems with your electrical system, or even if your system is working fine but relies on older technology, you may want to seriously consider replacing your electric panel with an updated model. “What are the benefits of upgrading my electrical service panel?” We’ve provided a quick outline below.

In the first place, upgrading your electrical system may be legally necessary, since older models may no longer adhere to modern statues and codes. Generally speaking, if your panel still uses fuses and other outdated equipment, it likely isn’t up to code and will require replacing.

The reasons why fold into another huge benefit to upgrading your panel: safety. Old or worn service panels could cause an overload, shorting out your electricity and/or possibly causing a fire. A newer panel can provide increased safety to your home, as well as the convenience of being able to handle your electrical load adequately. A new electrical panel may also save you money in electrical bills, since it

We use electrical power at an unprecedented level these days, with plasma screen TVs, high-end computers and similar devices playing an increasingly large role in our lives. Without a proper electrical panel, you may not be able to support the kinds of appliances you need to stay connected. For more on the benefits of upgrading your electrical service panel, or to schedule an inspection of your existing panel, give the experts at Sunset Air a call. We offer electrical services in Puyallup and we’ll get you an up-to-date panel that meets all of your electrical needs. Electricity can be dangerous, so don’t leave such an important project in the hands of amateurs. Contact us today to make an appointment. You’ll be glad you did!


