How to Prevent Broken Windows in Your Home
It goes without saying that a broken window is a huge inconvenience. First off, there’s broken glass to clean up. Secondly, if you weren’t home when it happened, there’s the risk of pets getting out or intruders getting in. And of course, now you have to spend time and money getting your windows replaced. What […]
When to Install New Windows
Windows are one of those things that you never really think about until something goes wrong with them. You may look through them all the time, but you don’t think “I am looking at something through this window.” Or maybe you do, and we’re the strange ones who treat windows as, well, window dressing. Yes, […]
How Can New Windows Save on Energy
Summer is on its way, and with it comes an increased emphasis on saving energy. We want to keep our homes cool and comfortable, but no one likes pay more than they have to for reliable cooling. You may be inclined to check your air conditioner for ways to improve its efficiency, and those are […]
Benefits of Installing a Skylight
Putting skylights into homes sounds like a luxury more than anything else. They look attractive, provide a pleasant view onto a clear starry sky, and they make a soothing pattering noise few other home surfaces produce when the rain strikes them. But what other benefits could putting a window into a ceiling bring you? You’d […]