Sunset Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heater’

5 Tips On Increasing Water Heater Efficiency

Monday, March 6th, 2023

Just like your heating system, your water heater is an investment in your home’s comfort systems. When its performance suffers, your home comfort levels suffer. Lukewarm showers and low water pressure are things no homeowner wants to suffer through.

You know to replace your air filter and schedule routine maintenance to help your heater run at peak efficiency. But what can you do to help your water heater out? By following these 5 tips to boost your water heater’s efficiency, you’ll also reduce the need for repairs or water heater installation.

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Does Your Tankless Water Heater Need Maintenance?

Monday, May 17th, 2021

When it comes to tank water heaters, it’s probably pretty apparent to you why maintenance would be necessary. It’s a huge system, with multiple components, and it stores water on a consistent basis so there is corrosion to worry about, right? There’s also scaling to worry about—that is, the buildup of hard water minerals like magnesium, calcium, and iron that turns into sediment deposits and settles on the bottom of the water heater tank.

But you have a tankless system, so you don’t need to worry about any of this, right?

Um, not quite! Much of the maintenance that we do for traditional storage tank water heaters is actually pretty similar to the maintenance we have to perform on tankless systems as well. Keep reading as we uncover why this is necessary and why you should go ahead and schedule your next tankless water heater maintenance session soon.

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Which Water Heater Type Should I Choose?

Monday, October 24th, 2016

A water heater is one of those systems that often goes ignored, but is one of the most important parts of a home. If you’re in the market for a new water heater, you may be surprised to discover that there are actually a number of radically different types of systems to choose from. Each system is suited to a different type of situation, so it’s important that you pick the one that meets your specific needs. Let’s take a look at two of the most popular water heater types, and which might be best for you.

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