Have You Scheduled This Heating Service Yet?

Temperatures around here certainly don’t get as chilly as they do for our neighbors in the midwest or on the Northeast coast. But you’ll find in the coming weeks that it’s time to put away your shorts in favor for warmer clothing. This change happens pretty quickly, so there is one really important heating service […]
Tips for Staying Warm When Your Heater Fails

Hopefully, you’ll never run into this problem at all! Ideally, you’ll have kept up on your annual maintenance appointments for your furnace to ensure that it works efficiently, effectively, and—perhaps most importantly—reliably. When well maintained, a furnace can last about 10-15 years. Beyond that point, it’s time to consider replacement, especially if the system is […]
How to Spend Less on Heating This Year

Winter will be here before we know it, and we would like to help you prepare! Sure, it might not get as chilly here as other parts of the country, but our winters pack quite the punch. And that requires a fully functioning heater that works powerfully and effectively. Having a great heater in place […]
Get Your Ducts Sealed This Winter
You probably don’t spare a lot of thought for your ducts, and that’s not surprising. Ducts in homes are designed to be rather inconspicuous, after all. The problem is that even if they are unobtrusive, ducts still play a vital role in your climate control systems. Without them, your furnace would have no way of […]
Why Is My Furnace Making Strange Noises?
It can be somewhat alarming when your furnace starts making unusual noises. Your mind may dream up all sorts of nightmare scenarios that might be happening to your furnace. Really, though, how much trouble your furnace is in depends on the type of sound you’re hearing. Let’s run through some of the more common strange […]
What Is Boiler Kettling, And What Should I Do About It?
With heating season in full swing, it is important to keep a close eye on your boiler for any developing problems. For example, have you noticed a deep rumbling coming from your boiler when it’s on? If so, you may have a problem with kettling. Boiler kettling is one of the more serious issues that […]
The Advantages of Boiler Heating
The arrival of heating season means different things to different people. For some, it means that it’s time to get their heaters ready for the cold months of winter. For others, it means that it’s time to install a new system entirely. If you fall into that second group, you should consider installing a boiler […]
Furnace Short Cycling: What You Need to Know
The further we move into heating season, the more stress you’re going to be putting on your furnace. That may give rise to a number of problems, the most dangerous of which is known as “short cycling.” Let’s take a look at short cycling, what causes it, and how it can be prevented. What Is […]
Why You Need to Schedule Heating Maintenance This Fall
Summer is over, and the days are starting to get colder. You may not have to run your heater to keep your home comfortable just yet, but that time is approaching soon. If you want your heater to be ready for winter, you are going to want to schedule maintenance for it this fall. Read […]
Signs That You Need to Replace Your Furnace This Fall
Winter is not far off, and now is the time to get your home ready for the cold season. For most of us, that means scheduling heating maintenance. For some of us, though, it will mean replacing our heating systems. If your furnace is nearing the end of its life, it’s better to get it […]