Sunset Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Door Replacement’

Tips for Boosting Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Monday, July 11th, 2022

If there’s anything that we can agree on when it comes to what all homeowners want, it’s to spend as little money as possible on their household needs, right? Especially when it comes to utilities. If there’s any way to reduce those bills, we’re always looking for them!

Homeowners may not realize though, that there’s a lot they could be doing to increase their energy efficiency and reduce their utility bills, without sacrificing comfort. Read on to learn more!

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4 Spring Home Improvement Projects for You to Try!

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Springtime is upon us, and with the warmer temperatures comes a time of renewal and bringing new life into our homes. For many, this is a great time for home projects, before the weather gets too warm.

From remodeling to landscaping projects, your options for spring home improvement projects are limitless. Remember, it’s always important to hire a pro for bigger jobs that may require any construction, electrical work, gas line connections, or plumbing!

That said, here are a few spring home improvement projects you may want to try this year!

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Is It Time for a New Front Door?

Monday, July 26th, 2021

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your front door? Probably not–you may go through it every single day, but it’s one of those things that most household occupants take for granted, not really realizing how efficient, or inefficient, the front door can make a home.

Whether your door isn’t that visually appealing, or you’ve noticed an increase in your energy costs because conditioned air is escaping out of your home and making it impossible to maintain comfortable temperatures, this blog post is for you. Read on as we share some signs that it’s probably time for you to invest in a new front door.

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