Signs Your AC Needs Repair & When to Call a Contractor

Is your air conditioner acting up? Learning to spot the signs that your AC needs repair can save you from costly breakdowns and keep your home cool and comfortable. Here are the tell-tale signs that your AC needs repair and when to call a professional HVAC contractor in Washington state.  Signs Your Air Conditioning Needs […]

Don’t Forget This DIY AC Maintenance Task!

It’s not every day that we recommend a homeowner does maintenance on their own. In fact, we never recommend it—at least not when we’re talking about professional maintenance This is where our technicians come in and thoroughly clean your system inside and out while making adjustments and repair recommendations. But there is a maintenance task you can, […]

Don’t Ignore These Signs of Cooling System Failure!

Your household’s central air conditioner is one of the most important appliances there is when it comes to your comfort and quality of life, right? Well, it’s also one of the most specialized—while a homeowner can deal with some minor plumbing downtime, having a broken down air conditioner could be quite the inconvenience in the […]

Have You Scheduled This Important AC Service Yet?

There’s one particular AC service we recommend to our customers each and every year that’s easy to dismiss, but we really encourage you not to—maintenance! And unless your air conditioner has broken down to the point that it’s beyond repair, it’s not too late to schedule it now. Like auto maintenance, routine air conditioner maintenance […]

5 Signs That You Need AC Repairs Now!

Summer is almost officially here, and if the recent heat wave is any indication, we’re going to be using our air conditioners pretty regularly in the coming months. As such, you need your cooling system to perform as expected when it’s under extreme pressure. The last thing you need, after all, is a sudden breakdown […]

Don’t Neglect Refrigerant Leaks!

It would be easy to say that modern homeowners live luxuriously. At least, when we’re speaking about our expectations of home comfort. The potential issue with this, however, is a luxury is often taken for granted. Take the comfort offered to you by an air conditioner, for example. If one day your air conditioner just […]

Shopping for a New Cooling System?

We’re very fortunate in our area of the U.S. that we don’t typically need to worry too much about soaring temperatures making it unbearable to be in our homes without a functioning air conditioner. Still though, cooling systems are vital to our overall comfort in the summer months. If yours broke down last year, or was showing […]

Why Your Air Conditioner is Making Odd Noises

With the hot summer months upon us, you’re probably using your air conditioner frequently. That’s all well and good, but you should be careful about the added stress increasing the chances of problems developing with the system. You can’t totally remove the odds of a problem coming up with your air conditioner. However, the faster […]

Consider Installing a Zone Control System Before Summer

Spring is here, which means that it’s time to get your air conditioning system ready for the next season. Most of the time, this just means scheduling preventive maintenance for the system. Sometimes, though, it’s a good idea to invest a bit more into improving your air conditioning system. One of those cases is zone […]

Should I Replace My Heat Pump Before Summer?

Summer may seem pretty far off, but the weather will start to warm up before you know it. Right around this time of year, when spring is getting into swing and summer is on the horizon, a lot of people start to look into getting their heating systems ready for the hot months. For a […]