Why Your Air Conditioner Output Is Low
Your air conditioner is vital for keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer, which makes it especially annoying when the system stops working correctly. If your air conditioner is not cooling your home as well as it should be, there could be a number of different reasons why. Most of those reasons are […]
3 Signs That Your Air Conditioning System Is in Trouble
You really don’t want to suddenly find yourself without a functioning air conditioning system during the summer season. Especially not this season, when heat records are being set across the country. Preventive maintenance is the best way to make sure that your air conditioner doesn’t suddenly die on you during a heat wave. While this […]
Be Careful of These Common AC Problems
Summer is here, and the higher the daily temperatures climb over the next couple of months the more you’re going to use your air conditioner. More demand means more stress, which means more chances for problems of various kinds to develop with the system. You may or may not have already scheduled preventive maintenance to […]
Refrigerant Leaks and the Threat They Pose to Your AC
There are a lot of different issues that can afflict your air conditioner, some of which are more dangerous to the system than others. One of the biggest threats is something that often goes unnoticed by homeowners: refrigerant leaks. While a refrigerant leak in your air conditioner may be small, it can actually cause the […]
Air Conditioning Problems to Know About
We may be getting close to the end of summer, but you’re probably still relying on your air conditioner on a regular basis to keep your home comfortable. As long as you’re using your air conditioner for multiple hours a day, you still need to keep an eye on the system for any developing issues. […]
What Causes Low Air Conditioner Output
It’s never a good thing to have your air conditioner suddenly start to lose output capacity, especially in the middle of the hottest season of the year. Don’t worry, though. Depending on how quickly and completely the output has dropped, your system may not be in as much trouble as it seems. You’re going to […]
Air Conditioning Problems to Watch for This Spring
It may seem hard to believe now, with the average temperature in the 50s and rain forecast for the entire week, but soon the days are going to get quite a bit hotter. You’re going to be using your air conditioner to stay cool on a daily basis in the next month or two. Once […]
How Air Conditioner Ice can Cause System Breakdowns
As you start to use your air conditioner more and more often this summer, you may notice ice starting to form on your system. This may seem like a good thing, since air conditioners are supposed to produce cool air. However, this is actually a sign that there’s a serious problem with the system, one […]