Should I Consider a Wood Stove?

If you’re looking for a new heating option in Olympia, WA, a wood stove may be the perfect option for you. Wood burning stoves are often overlooked by homeowners looking for a new way of heating their homes. But utilizing a wood stove can save money, reduce pollutants, and keep you cozy and warm through the night. Learn more about some of the benefits of installing a new wood stove in this guide.

Comfort and Design

Many people prefer the radiant heating of a wood stove to other forced-air heating systems like furnaces. That’s because a woodstove allows heat to move in all directions and fill the room, rather than blowing heat into a space like with forced air systems. Besides, the design of a wood stove conveys a comfort of its own. It’s often the rustic centerpiece of a room, a focal point by which family members gather and converse after a long day away from home.

Clean and Efficient Heating

Wood stoves do not burn fossil fuels to generate heat, which is why many homeowners choose these units to not only save some money but also feel better about their environmental impact. Modern innovations in the technology used to manufacture wood stoves makes them far more efficient today than they were years ago. In fact, according to the U.S. EPA, if you replace an older wood stove or fireplace with a new more efficient model, you can save up to 50% on energy costs and release 70% fewer particle pollutants into the air. And the health benefits for your home are important as well, as newer models reduce indoor pollutants as well.

Choose Professionals for Installation

No matter what your reasons for installing a new wood stove or replacing an older one, you should always rely on heating specialists for a job well done. Wood stove installation involves many factors, including a few safety measures and calculations that could prove dangerous without previous expertise. Professional installation will help the job move more quickly and prevent problems caused by faulty sizing or other inaccuracies.

To discuss your options for heating, trust the Olympia, WA heating experts at Sunset Air.


