Now Is the Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

It may be hard to believe, with temperatures just beginning to creep into the low 70s, but summer is not far off now. Before long, you’re going to be relying on your air conditioner to keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the warm summer months. Before that happens, however, it’s a good idea to take steps to get your home ready for the summer season. The best way to do that is to schedule air conditioning maintenance. Let’s go over why air conditioning maintenance is such a good idea and why you should schedule it within the next few weeks.

Catch Problems Before They Start

There’s a reason clichés become so, and that’s because most of them are true. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” “A stitch in time saves nine.” These are part of our common parlance, long after they were first coined, precisely because they’re right. We’re not sure “schedule air conditioning maintenance before summer” is ever going to become a common phrase, but it should be!

Waiting for problems to crop up with your air conditioner before addressing them only does one thing: it gives the problems in the system more time to cause damage. Most air conditioning issues don’t even give off any warning signs before they’ve had plenty of time to progress. That’s why maintenance is so important to the health of the system.

Preventive maintenance provides the opportunity for your technician to locate and resolve issues with the air conditioner before they have a chance to cause any real damage to the system. This will increase your system’s energy efficiency, lessen the chances of problems developing, and even extend the effective lifespan of the system by up to several years. That is, if you’re certain to schedule it properly and consistently.

Spring Maintenance: Maximizing the Impact

Some maintenance is better than no maintenance. However, it’s better still to schedule maintenance when it will have maximum impact for your system. The ideal time to have maintenance done on the air conditioner is during the spring season. This is because it will ensure your air conditioner is as healthy as possible before summer starts, which is the time when it’s under the most strain. Any preexisting issues that might be amplified by the summer usage can be dealt with, and any potential problem areas can be fixed before they have the chance to start. If you want to make sure that your air conditioner is as prepared as possible for the summer heat, that’s the time to do it.

So if you haven’t scheduled preventive maintenance yet for your air conditioning system this season, we recommend that you do it sooner rather than later. You’ll be very glad you did.

Sunset Air offers full air conditioning services in Puyallup, WA. If you need help getting your air conditioner ready for summer, contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professional technicians. We’ll find you the best possible air conditioning solution for your needs.


