How Can New Windows Save on Energy

Summer is on its way, and with it comes an increased emphasis on saving energy. We want to keep our homes cool and comfortable, but no one likes pay more than they have to for reliable cooling. You may be inclined to check your air conditioner for ways to improve its efficiency, and those are good instincts. But you should also look into other aspects of your house, especially the windows, which are a key area in terms of energy efficiency. New window installation in Tacoma WA is surprisingly affordable, and becomes even more attractive when you understand how new windows can save on energy.

You can’t properly insulate window the way you can the rest of the house, because there’s no crawlspace for placing insulation. Radiant heat moves directly in through the glass and into your home, raising the temperature and forcing your air conditioner to work harder to do its job. Furthermore, air leaks around improperly fitted windows can cost you a great deal of cool air generated by your air conditioner, making it all the more difficult to cool your home down properly.

New windows can help with that. Properly fitted windows will cut the leaks down to nothing, while the glass can be treated with UV resistant coatings and similar advances to help keep radiant heat from getting in. In many cases, you can also install double-paned windows to form an extra layer of insulation. Such windows do even more in the winter than they do in the summer, making them a worthwhile investment no matter what the time of year.

We have years of experience with window installation in Tacoma, WA, and we can help ensure that you get the results you need based on your budget for the project. Energy savings have a way of building up over time, and the investment you make today could translate into big savings in the remaining years you own your home. Give us a call today and let us help you take that step.

For more on how new windows can save you money by saving energy, give the window installation experts at Sunset Air a call today. You’ll be glad you did!


