Get Your Air Conditioner Checked Before Summer

The hottest months of the year arrive a bit later for us than they do for the rest of the country. That gives you a bit more time to make sure that your air conditioner is in good shape before summer. One of the best ways to do that is to make sure that the system receives preventive maintenance. Let’s take a look at the benefits of preventive maintenance, and why you should schedule it this summer.

Maintenance and Damage

The reason that you want to schedule preventive maintenance at least once a year has to do with the nature of air conditioning problems. Most air conditioning problems grow progressively worse the longer they are allowed to continue. To make matters worse, the majority of air conditioning problems don’t display any kind of symptoms until they’re quite advanced. It’s rather pointless to wait for a problem to present itself before calling for repairs, if you’re going to be too late to address the issue anyway. So that leaves preventive maintenance.

Preventive maintenance allows your air conditioning technicians to find and fix potential issues before problems have the chance to develop. You can save an immense amount of money in prevented repairs over the lifespan of your system.

Annual Maintenance

The best way to take advantage of preventive maintenance is to schedule it at least once a year. This should give enough coverage for your technician to prevent the majority of the problems your system might run into. You will probably have to deal with repair issues at some point, but annual maintenance will dramatically reduce them. That’s the best you can do when it comes to preventing as much damage as possible.

Sunset Air offers comprehensive air conditioner maintenance services throughout Olympia, WA. If you need maintenance services of any kind, call today for an appointment.


