Common Repair Issues with Radiant Heating Systems

Radiant heating systems have been in use since Roman times, and make for an efficient and comfortable way to heat your home. Today, the system entails a series of metal tubes placed beneath your floor, surrounded by reflective tiles to better conduct heat. Hot water runs through the tubes, heating the floor and sending comfortable warmth up through the furnishings (and the feet of any occupants). They’re desirable in part because they provide steady, even heating and they don’t cost much in monthly bills. Professional heating repair services in Tacoma like Sunset Air can often handle common repair issues with radiant heating systems when they crop up.

Such problems can include but are not limited to the following:

  • Insufficient heat. If the water moving through the tubes isn’t warm enough, the system won’t function as it should and your monthly energy bills will go up as the system struggles to do its job. Insufficient heat can be caused by a faulty burner, by a problematic thermostat and sometimes by a broken pump which won’t circulate the water through the pipes like it should.
  • Water leaks. Water leaks rarely happen inside the tubes themselves since they’re sealed and protected by the floors. When they do, however, they need to be addressed quickly before the water causes damage to your floorboards. More common water leaks take place in the central unit, where fittings and connections can become loose. Not every leak announces itself with a puddle of water. Check the water pressure in the system to spot any leaks where the water evaporates.
  • Electrical issues. Electricity runs the pump that circulates the water and other key components in your radiant heating system. Bad connections or loose wires can create problems in that arena, causing your system to shut down.

In all of these cases, you can summon a qualified repair technician by calling on Sunset Air for help. We work in Tacoma, heating repair is a point of pride for us, and we can handle common repair issues with radiant heating systems as quickly and efficiently as possible. Pick up the phone and give us a call today!


