Common Heat Pump Problems to Watch for This Summer

Heat pumps develop problems, just like any other system. As you start to rely on your heat pump to keep cool this summer, the stress on the system will increase and it will become more likely for problems to occur. The faster you can identify problems with your heat pump, the faster you can get it repaired and the more damage you can prevent. Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms that indicate a problem with your heat pump.

Drop in Output

There are a couple of different reasons that your heat pump output may be dropping. Conduct a quick visual inspection of your system, looking for any signs of liquid dripping from it. If you do spot liquid leaking from your system, it could be a refrigerant leak. Refrigerant leaks will drain the heat pump of refrigerant, which it needs to cool your home. Eventually, this can cause the entire system to break down. Call for repairs as soon as you notice this happening.

Strange Noises

If you hear strange noises coming from your heat pump, like bubbling, grinding, or rapid cycling, you shouldn’t ignore it. There are all kinds of different heat pump problems that create unusual noises in the system. Bubbling is the result of refrigerant leaks, which we’ve already discussed. Grinding is typically caused by the bearings in your air handler wearing down; they’ll need to be replaced before the air handler burns out. Rapid cycling, also called short cycling, means that the system either has a thermostat problem or a damaged compressor. Both can be serious threats to the system, so it’s best to have a professional examine your system as soon as you hear it.

Sunset Air offers a full range of heat pump repair services throughout Olympia, WA. Give us a call today for an appointment.


