Sunset Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category

3 Ductless Problems You Should Know About

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

ductlessDuctless mini splits have a lot of advantages over other climate control systems, which is why they’re experiencing a rise in popularity across the country. However, they are just as prone to developing issues over time as any other heater or air conditioner. As you start to rely on your ductless system more and more often this summer season, it’s important that you be able to tell when your system is in need of repairs. The faster you can recognize that your ductless system is experiencing problems, the faster you can get it repaired and the more damage you can prevent.

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What You Need to Know About Heat Pump Maintenance

Monday, June 19th, 2017

heat-pump-cashIf you’re not already relying on your heat pump to keep you cool on a day to day basis, you will be soon. The weather is starting to heat up, and soon we’ll be in the middle of the hottest months of the year. A big part of getting your heat pump in shape for the demands of the summer is scheduling preventive maintenance for it. Before you write off your heat pump as being taken care of in that department, though, you should know that heat pump maintenance is slightly different from maintenance for other climate control systems. Let’s go over the unique requirements that heat pumps have for maintenance, and when you should schedule it for yours.

Let’s go over the unique requirements that heat pumps have for maintenance, and when you should schedule it for yours.

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Heat Pump Problems to Watch for This Summer

Monday, May 29th, 2017

heat-pumpYou really don’t want to have your heat pump break down on you in the middle of summer. At least, we assume you don’t. Part of keeping your heat pump in good condition over the next couple of months is going to be keeping an eye out for warning signs of a problem. Summer is the most stressful time of year for many climate control systems, which makes various issues much more likely to occur. Have a look at some of the common heat pump problems you should watch for this summer.

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Why You Might Want to Install a Ductless System

Monday, April 10th, 2017

For most people, spring is the time to schedule some preventive maintenance for their air conditioners in preparation for summer. For some people, however, no amount of maintenance will be enough to get their system through another summer. In times like those, all you can really do is replace the system entirely. If you’re looking for a new system to replace your old air conditioner, you should consider all the options available. Changing the type of air conditioning system you use might fit your individual needs a lot better. A ductless system, for example, might just be the perfect air conditioning solution for you.

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Should I Replace My Heat Pump Before Summer?

Monday, March 13th, 2017

Summer may seem pretty far off, but the weather will start to warm up before you know it. Right around this time of year, when spring is getting into swing and summer is on the horizon, a lot of people start to look into getting their heating systems ready for the hot months. For a lot of people, that means scheduling preventive maintenance. For others, though, that may not be enough to ensure that the system is in good enough condition to serve them properly. If you’re wondering whether or not your heat pump can keep you cool through another summer, there are a couple of things that you should take a look at.

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Why Your Ductless System Isn’t Heating

Monday, November 21st, 2016

If you’re relying on a ductless system to keep warm this winter, you should keep an eye out for any issues that may crop up with it. One of the most common reasons that people call for repairs during the winter is that their system simply isn’t heating anymore. There are a number of reasons why this might be happening. Let’s take a look at a couple of reasons why your ductless system may not be heating properly.

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Install a Ductless System This Fall

Tuesday, October 18th, 2016

If you are in the market for a new heating system this fall, there are a lot of different options to choose from. Each has its own advantages, and will be suited to a different set of needs. It’s important that you carefully consider all of the options, so that you can find the system that’s best matched to your requirements. Let’s take a look at ductless systems, and what one of them can do for you this fall.

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Beware These Ductless Issues

Monday, August 15th, 2016

If you’re using a ductless system to keep cool this summer, you need to keep an eye out for any problems that develop. The more you use your ductless system, the more worn out it becomes and the more likely it will be to develop issues. If you know what to look for, you’ll be able to identify these problems in time to have them fixed. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ductless issues you may run into.

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Signs You Need a New Heat Pump

Monday, August 1st, 2016

If your heat pump is on its last legs, it’s a good idea to be able to recognize the signs. Otherwise, you run the risk of having it die on you when you need it the most. As we move deeper into the summer, you should familiarize yourself with the indications that you need a new heat pump system. Let’s take a look at those indications now.

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Do I Need a New Ductless System?

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Ductless systems can last a pretty long time, as long as you take care of them. However, they don’t last forever. If your ductless system doesn’t have enough life left in it to get you through this summer, it’s best that you be able to recognize the signs now. You don’t want to have it break down on you unexpectedly, and leave you without air conditioning in the middle of one of the hottest months on record. So let’s take a look at some of the signs that you need a new ductless system.

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