4 Spring Home Improvement Projects for You to Try!

Springtime is upon us, and with the warmer temperatures comes a time of renewal and bringing new life into our homes. For many, this is a great time for home projects, before the weather gets too warm.

From remodeling to landscaping projects, your options for spring home improvement projects are limitless. Remember, it’s always important to hire a pro for bigger jobs that may require any construction, electrical work, gas line connections, or plumbing!

That said, here are a few spring home improvement projects you may want to try this year!

Replace Your Front Door

Homeowners often don’t realize how much of a difference having their front door replaced can make. It not only helps improve aesthetics, but it benefits your household’s comfort and efficiency, too. This is because the right door for your home can help boost its R-value.

R-value is a unit of measurement for thermal resistance in the home given the insulation it has. And yes, your door contributes to overall insulation. Essentially, you want your home to have the ability to resist heat flow/heat transfer, whether it’s winter or summer.

Older front doors can be drafty, as over the years they start to shift in their frames and don’t completely seal when they’re shut. If you’re interested in replacing your front door, and/or your windows, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. This is our specialty!

Do a Deep Clean

We aren’t just talking about dusting your shelves and belonging off, we’re also talking about cleaning your AC system. Of course, you should invest in professional maintenance for a thorough cleaning. But there are “cleaning tasks” you can and should do on your own.

For instance, change the air filter. The standard HVAC air filter is in place to protect the system from dirt, dust, and other debris that can get inside and damage its sensitive components. When it gets too clogged up though, airflow is restricted and your HVAC system can’t do its job as efficiently.

Depending on the type of filter and the level of contaminants in your home, this air filter should be swapped out every 1-3 months during periods of system use–the same goes for your heater!

Another cleaning task you can do is to ensure the outside unit of your air conditioner is free from debris such as lawn mulch, dirt, leaves, branches, etc. When there is too much debris, much like a dirty air filter, airflow is restricted and efficiency goes down.

Caulk the Windows

Just like with doors, your windows make a huge difference in the insulation and efficiency of your home. If you’re considering window replacement, we can help! But we would at least recommend updating the weatherstripping on your current windows to prevent drafts and energy loss.

Check Your Roof

While we don’t tend to have real inclement weather that causes damage, it’s always a good idea to have your roof checked on a regular basis, especially considering how much moisture we get throughout the year, every year. The springtime is a great time to safely get a ladder out and give it a quick visual inspection–of course, you should hire a contractor if you don’t feel comfortable doing this on your own!

For help with your home projects, such as professional door replacement in Lakewood, WA, contact Sunset Air.


